Interface Consulting is currently working with a team of consultants led by Delta Partnership, SNV Eastern and Southern Africa Region and SNV Global Corporate Strategy Advisors. to establish and advise on the institutionalisation of the SNV systems concerned with Managing for Results and Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. Work involves comprehensive review of M&E systems across nine countries in the region. The SNV Managing for Results project is being undertaken as an effort that will result in the demonstration of the results of SNV’s work in a more systematic and robust way. This is at least in part, in response to the broad changes within the resourcing environment in which demand for clear justification of interventions, clear articulation of results and impact and accountability of resource use including return on investments has increased. Reporting clearly the impact of its work will enable due recognition of SNV as a partner of choice by a wide range of development partners including its traditional donors (such as DGIS, AusAID, DFID, UNICEF etc). Strategic direction within SNV will be obtained through lessons learned from interventions in nine countries across the East and Southern Africa region.
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