We carry out investigations into specific sector or industry issues to improve policy and practice. Our consultants have extensive and in-depth experience in public infrastructure and social development and can provide valuable insights to policy makers and practitioners. We also maintain robust and dynamic relationships with academic institutions that are global leaders in participatory action research and we are currently involved in research projects with leading international agencies.
Examples of our work include:
Training for Real-Strategic Human Resources Development for the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector in Uganda Interface in collaboration with the Water Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC) of Loughborough University in the UK assisted Government of Uganda to explore ways of introducing best practices on strategic HRD for the water sector.
CU@School: Interface investigated the impact of the use of mobile telephony reporting on teacher and pupil attendance ( or absenteeism) in rural and urban primary schools in two districts in Uganda. Results from this study should inform key decision makers in the education sector in Uganda on the practicality of the approach, any cost efficiencies achieved, and the feasibility of scaling up the use of GSM and GPRS technology in tracking teacher and pupil school attendance.