This week Interface together with M&E Associates has been conducting a series of training sessions and refining the tools to be used in the field for the data collection exercise. This is inline with the the Water Supply and Sanitation Programme under Ministry of Water and Environment. Funding for the programme is being channeled through the Water and Sanitation Development Facility-Central (WSDF-C) for the development, rehabilitation and expansion of water supply and sanitation systems. More on the project here.

Caught in mid-air (©James Kiyimba – WaterAid)
The tools to be used include questionnaires designed for the community, institutions and key informants. Technology will also come into play with the use of an app that works on all android phones. The key is to enter data in real time so as to boost efficiency during the data collection exercise. Researchers are scheduled to spend ten days in the field visiting select villages and conducting the interviews in Luganda.
Some of the water supply and santitation systems they will assess include boreholes, pit-latrines, piping systems, and services that require pre-payment before access to the water. The select researchers will also assess individual and community’s willingness to pay for these services over free access and the implications resulting from this.