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Fosa-alterna toilet system Project:

Performance Improvement Through Learning and Sanitation (PILS) with SNV Uganda

Client: IRC-International Water and Sanitation Centre, NETWAS Uganda and CARITAS Gulu.

Budget: US $ 12,690

Timeline: March 2012


This project was a post evaluation exercise to assess the impact of the PILS project in the areas of Gulu and Kitgum where it was introduced. The project was aimed at promoting hygiene and sanitation in the regions as well as promoting greater Local Government activity and strengthening Community Capacity to manage hygiene and sanitation issues.

There was the major contention that most Foreign Aid dependence was still a syndrome, even up to the decay of the project.

Some of the new systems introduced were the Fosa-Alterna and Uber Loo toilet system. Women in particular were sensitized on domestic hygiene and introduced to simpler appropriate technologies, such as how to sterilise their cooking utensils by drying them on racks.

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